How to Reduce Double Chin by Yoga? 6 Techniques to Sculpt that Jawline
An individual is said to have a double chin when a layer of fat gets accumulated under the chin area. This can also be called submental fat, and when this fat appears below the chin it gives an app...

6 Trikonasana Benefits : How To Practice The Trikonasana Pose In Yoga
Trikonasana is a Sanskrit word for the triangle pose. If we break the word down, we get ‘trikona’ which means triangle and ‘asana’ which means posture. The practice of this asana requires one to ke...

Benefits of Sarvangasana for Healthy Mind and Body - Steps & Precautions
Yoga is a practice of asanas for the mind, body and soul. It provides a multitude of benefits for our well-being. Sarvangasana, especially, strengthens our body from the inside and helps in maint...